It feels so good to be back

wow i see NO bodys changed since ive been gone, everyone still flames each other all the time

too much hate in '08

everythings fine in '09


lol i guess so…speaking of hatin is travis with the burnt ass sti on here? he owes my boy some green and im looking to collect

sorry you are niether underage nor a 100lb, too much mascara wearing, bullimic girl

I havent laughed that hard all day

you see hit tell him Dblock security is looking to collect on non payment lol

englsh plz

Yes! :rofl

You need to check out this thread:

im currently getting reprimanded via AIM by mike because i dont know who you are, dustin :frowning:

for real? Failvis ftl.

Who the fuck is this kid, LOL

Oh, Snap… It’s Dustin!

Whats up dusty havnt seen ya in about a week, haha

AWESOME! looks like we need another Failvis scammer thread!

still owes me $200

owes me new eyes for looking at that hoodrich girl he poked in the pooper.

with all due respect, she would look better from the back than front.

i agree her vajayjay just looked fucking strange to me idk man wierd looking