1 hour of HD content is 8 gigs of storage
IIRC, more of Hollywood’s top studios are on the HD-DVD bandwagon as it is. I am seeing a similar VHS/Betamax scenario following. Poor, Sony, always on the wrong bandwagon…
5.25" 360k, and 1.2MB
3.5" 720k
3.5" 2.88MB - Most BIOSs still have support for this, good luck finding a drive. Let alone a disk to use it with)
3.5" LS120 - Aka SuperDisk, holds up to 120MB (Again died off, as did LS240), the drives could read 1.44MB floppies too.
Zip Drives
There is always some competiting standard for just about everything.
Hm, I do recall the SuperDisk, and of course the Zip Disk (and its wonderful Click of Death).
I guess I don’t see them as direct competition for the 1.44 mb 3.5" floppy. Was there another 3"-4" format? I don’t think there was much competition for hardware standards back then.
Not like:
VHS vs. Beta
Compact-Flash vs. Secure Digital vs. Sony MemoryStick
Blu-Ray is not long for this world…