It is


this is a shitty ass day :frowning:


so when is the national keyboard race finals??? :dunno:


my keyboard crankwalked i’m out

just liek a typical dsm owner. always got excuses

My keyboard only does 17.4 words per min…

now is that with or without the power adder?

thats without, but once I activate the quick keys…look out…

oh no oh shit i better watch out. now is there a wing or a chin spoiler on the keyboard to help out

no but there is…


A Gel filled wrist mat :eek4dance

damm thats some pimp ass shit. i dunno if i can hang with that

yeah its too much for me. I’m afraid I might hit a fire wall

so far your leading the races, someone needs to take down SNS for once

Not to be fucked with :smiley:

dont’ look at me my fucking comp won’t boot with the fd plugged in

heh, Sick time > *

I decided to take the day off and get paid for it :booty:

that’s genius to burn a sick day when it’s cold and rainy out. :doh:

I use my sick days when it’s 80 and sunny, fuck calling off in the winter and shitty days. I usually come into work when i’m sick so I can save my sick days for the nice weather.

smooth move asshole, get everybody sick , so it spreads around the office for a month. Thats a good way to use you brain… :moon: