It's Girl Scout cookie time!

Yep, it’s that time of year. Get your cookies here. My wife is a troop leader and puts in a lot of time so I told her I’d do what I could to sell these things.

Cookies come in March 1st. We’ve got:
Cranberry Citrus Crisps
Thin Mints
Peanut Butter Patties
Caramel deLites
Peanut Butter Sandwich

Cookie details here:

Orders arrive on 3/1 at my house in Williamsville. If you’re around the Northtowns we can deliver and will take paypal though cash is preferred. I go back and forth to Ellicottville a lot so I can work with you on getting deliveries outside the Northtowns too.

All cookies are $3.50 a box.

PM me with your order details. Name, address, selection and quantity.

I’ve never had Girl Scout cookies but I’ll give it a whirl. I’ll take a couple.

Wait…say what? Is this your first week on Earth? Gotta specify your cookie preference.

Peanut Butter everything duhhh, unless somehow they have meatball flavor?

Updated the first post but please PM with your order details.

No backing out either. The girlscout mom’s had their pre-cookie sales meeting at my house and you don’t want to get on the wrong side of the cookie mafia. I hid downstairs and tried to tune it out.

Jay, you know I’ll take some. I’ll txt ya what I’ll take.

Can we temporarily change your Username to Cookie Monster?

How about this, NYSpeed buys at least 40 boxes and you guys can pick any custom title you want for me. You cool with that Josh?


I beat you to it… But yeah that is fair, I will let him have his way with you.

lol… just saw my new avatar and title.


I have lobbied everyone in the girl scouts I know to bring back the Chocolate Chip cookies. This is 'Merica dang it and it is a personal outrage that they Chocolate Chip cookies were taken away over 20 years ago!


Just noticed that they DO have the Chocolate Chip cookies back…but they are regional only and now Gluten Free…WTF Girl Scouts!!!


I fuggin love girl scout cookies.

:tup: Beck is in the lead!

Any of these gluten free now for my gf?

Not yet. The gluten free one is in test markets this year. My wife said she tried to get them because one of our friends is on a gluten free diet but ABC isn’t making enough yet.

In 2013–14, ABC Bakers is conducting a limited pilot of the Girl Scout Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookie, and 20 Girl Scout councils have chosen to offer it. This special cookie is only available in areas where ABC Bakers is the licensed Girl Scout cookie baker, and councils have agreed to test-market it. The cookie will be sold at booth sales only, rather than featured on the order card.

I was reading another thread and noticed your title change and thought WTF? Then I came here :clap:

Alright im gonna get an order together tho. guess she SOL lol

Welcome to the husband of a Girl Scout Troop leader club…
Enjoy cookie delivery day :smiley:

Stay out of Tonawanda :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, it didn’t take long but if it helps the kid’s troop out it’s worth it.

NYSpeed update… 20 boxes so far