Its OFFICIAL! First Bass has a new HOME!

HAHA find out when Curt is going to come out and get me squared away…

Carpet is purchased, 50yds of carpet is expensive…

Orange counch (To be refered to as the “Pimp Couch” from now on) Has arrived safely, and without incodent.

Found matching retro Pimp Chairs and table in the basment of my Insurance agents office, hope he gives em to me soon. Think they"ll look SWEET in the Confrence room, lol

Hopefully the carpet gets laid this week, displays are coming in thursday i think (Yes Displays, the showroom is that big!)

Already have a few jobs lined up, but i think id like to get some Painting done soon, maybe the logo on the outside of the building, then lose the Blue walls shortly there after.

Well back to work, if anybody needds me or anything call the shop Number (412-353-0631) its transfering to my cell right now till i get the phones on again.

Funny how you plan everything out weeks in advance but still cant get anything working till weeks after you move in…
