Its OFFICIAL! First Bass has a new HOME!

Wow! You could fit the old place inside the service area of the new one!

x2 good sh*t chaz

wow congrats chaz

damn chaz thats huge inside. When I drove by it I was wondering how you got all those bays, Now I know haha

Good for you Chaz. Can’t wait to see everything up and running. Let me know if you need any help. I am close and available most evenings.

Does First Bass do paint jobs?

I never realised how much room was actually in there…Rob always had his shit everywhere so it didnt look that big.

I have a friend from high school thats painting lettering on our building…I can see if he has any ideas on sprucing up that place to make it look crazy!

I may be available this weekend…ill get back to ya!

Oh and Dani loved the Garmin, I wrapped it in a ribbon and attached it to her winshield by the mirror…she went out to grab a bite to eat, and had no clue what is was or what it did lol she loves it.

nope… just blow jobs!


Sorry No, we outsource those.

Sorry No, we outsource those also…
Actually you know that, which Reminds me, Did you satisfy Volker?

Conrgrats man!!! Must be exciting as hell!

I’m guessing you missed the NO OBLIGATION part in his previous email

Congrats Chaz on the new Bizzy

Congrats Chaz, place is looking great :slight_smile:

nice chaz

no, but we do…(wink)

Chaz wants everyone to know that he is in the new shop…and does not have internet hook up yet…so he will be on as soon as he can. Stop by and say hi!!!

damn it lol now I gotta call and find out the details on my stuff.

lol sorry.

Well, its empty, but open.

its HOT but yes, its open.

The phones are transfering to my cell.

The paint needs done still

The carpet needs found still

The Interweb is not yet connected, apparently ther Comcast people want me to sign the aggrement before they will install it, i guess thats more important than me having service…

haha but all in all, im there, just getting organized, so as Spektator said, please stop by.

Carpet needs found?

As in you have not purchased it yet?

I know of a carpet outlet over by Monroeville, and Jeff at advance can install…just a thought.