I have seen a few, uhm, less than esteemed students at good old NCCC wearing headbands. They’re kind of cloth, but they have a chrome plate on them. I think they are ninjas Are they really ninjas? The one girl was wearing hers around her neck, leading me to believe she is only a half-pint ninja.
the even worse thing is when all of them sit at a table and “meow” at each other…
They’re furries, too!?
maybe they are going to this:
That’s it! I can’t wait to transfer. away. then watch, I’ll be stuck with real furries.
people are wearing those?
Maybe they’re pleding for the fraternity or sorority.
LOL, the frats keep asking me to pledge and all I have to say is “I joined the Army”. One big Frat, eh?
people are running out of ideas of things to wear. obv.
yeah that fucking crazy short girl has been there since my first semester.
I made the mistake of making eye contact once and she meowed at me.
fuck nccc.
No idea what the those people are doing.
^^ yea wtf??
World is full of all kinds of nifty oddities.
yaaa i used to see that shit at ecc sometimes…
I didn’t want to be mean, but the short girl really is weird. I have a phobia of her that stems from the simple fear that she could use her head-band-bestowed ninja skills to steal my knee caps. I need them, I think.
Do you still go there? I’ve noticed that if I venture out of my chemistry/math courses I see a lot more…uhm…weird…people.
I have a two hour break m/w/f that is often spent hiding in the weight room(10-12) with it really being my weak attempt at building muscle
lol that short girl was in my animal psych class… she was wearing ths cat look alike thng on her head the one day … the whole class was like wtf… and when the one kid asked her what it was she meowd at him… i was laughng so hard… prolly the most funny thing i ever saw at that school
Wow, for once i’m glad i’m out of NCCC.
i dont get it. is it a cuult or something?? meowing? what?