Jabbawockeez Mask

Does anyone on here have a Jabbawockeez mask that they are willing to sell, or know of a store that sells them (not online). If so let me know thanks.


oaks this is so last year :gay:

your gay those are sick, id buy one

what the fuck are those?

sting masks without the black outlines

i have a sting mask and already looked at it - its totaly different, and i dont want to paint over it man

wow, wasnt a joke or anything steve

i feel like i saw these at like party city oaks…


This is what we did 2 Years ago. We are the Original Banditwockeez. This last season we saw like 4 others that made their own masks. We just found ours online. No one local has them. Good luck though. We saw them in person in Toronto and they were crazy to see.

My friends did this last year dawwwggg… Try something new.

Try to find a Mario Lopez costume!

word, soo last year. get the mask a wig and a KFC bucket and go as Buckethead.

That’s like 5 super gay things all wrapped up into one picture…

dude all it is, is a plain white mask you can get one at party city or spirt for like $3