JayS a dad, 3/27/2007

:tup: congrats…

just make sure she doesn’t go and pull a britney spears now, and give the media c section scar shots as she gets out of your slr mclaren…

Congratulations Jay :slight_smile:


Congrats man!

Congrats Jay.

Now just keep her out of Buffalo and you should be alright :wink:


congratulations dude, shes totally gonna be a democrat :stuck_out_tongue:

but no child seats in the GTO. recaro or otherwise.



(looks a little like the mail man though)


I was thinking the ups guy :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats alot of hair…dang


oh awesome! congrats! :tup: :slight_smile:

Man, I read the title as “JayS dead, 3/27/2007”

I guess having a baby is better than dying…


LOL i thought the same thing

Aww, congratulations!

Congratualtions man! But you do realize you gotta drive slower now with your baby in the car. Bah, it’s worth it!

That is a lot of hair! haha Thats awesome man Congrats

congradulations i cant wait til i have some kids