JJ's Blazer

Broke the beam’s and sat a second to hide E.T. hehe, then went 127 mph do the math…should be a solid 10 sec pass. Nice run Brian :cool:

surprise ya? :doh:


Brian… that blazer is stright nasty fast… the funny thing was when I 1st saw it sitting there, I was telling my friend that was never at the track before last night… I said look at that Blazer, who the fuck would bring that stock blazer here… I was amazed when it did the burnout and ran… noone would expect that blazer to run that fast… That thing has to be the biggest sleeper around… nice work…

thanks mark!!!all junk yard parts exsept the S/C!!! :bigthumb:

what color is it?

Thats awsome… what kind of S/C do you have? Roots or Centrifical?

Centrifical,its a prochager d-1!

vortech > procharger

btw is centrifugal

No not at all actually i seen it run over the last 6 year’s,nice to see its getting faster though . :cool:


It sounds good :bigok: I’ve always liked that thing.



i thought even that charger was off a wrecked car

it was to small!!!

that’s what all the guy’s tell you :hsdance: :hsdance: :smiley:

u dont!!!all u say is it feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel great!!! :gaysex:

I’m a little different than most guys :gaysex: :bj:

Junk yard dog :cool:

dam thats sick ! when it was in teh garage it didnt look like it was even going to be run for a while