Jrex email?

If you have jrex email can you please PM me it?

or $5 one of the micro guys walks over and biffs him in the ear to pm me.

he hasnt been on nyspeed in a while, i don’t think a pm is gonna do it.

dont know jrex…

or at least i dont think i do.

look for the young, tall, fuzzy, jewish guy, with glasses.

sounds like me :wave:


Who’s full of hatred.

Oh man I forgot about jrex.

He was angry^

Is he shacked up with that psycho still? Last I knew she had his nuts in a vice on a consistent basis.

That’s his wife your talking about now :stuck_out_tongue:

He was on not too long ago, but he doesn’t come out of seclusion much.

ahhh shit. I was thinking of the wookie / ecoshardcore.


:picard: Didn’t we tell you to stop that “thinking” thing? It’ll only get you in trouble and make your brain hurt. Now go watch TV. :lol:

