July 31, 2008. Beer. Tap Room. 9.

:frowning: Ok.

Never been to the tap room, haven’t heard the greatest things though.

Wut about the 2 who are showing up at Mr.s Fry’s house?

oh hai aaaaron :zong:


She ain’t gonna be home so they’ll have to rock-paper-scissors to see who gets the shepherd and who gets the maltese.

9 PM ? serious?

i thought you meant now…

if you’re chasing pussy, then you’re right.

If you want decent cheap beer & man love without having to deal with kiddie bar shit, then STFU.

lemme guess, posting from your phone? at the bar?

I edited :mamoru:

bout to

I choose not to STFU. Fuck that place. lol.

Never had a problem at deuce with “kiddie bar shit”. :gotme:

EDIT - and I DEFINITELY never implied that deuce is a good place to pick up girls lol.

Why is Queen City not a choice?

At any given bar the quality of the beer and the quality of the female patrons are inversely proportional. The Tap Room has really good beer.

:lol: DON’T START!

zwarbyt you are my hero

You guys are growing up…choosing tap room over deuce :frowning:



lol. IDK. I’ve never been to duece.



That was a joke for Fry. Clearly you don’t get it.