Jumpin' Jacks

Now that it’s open for the season, anyone interested in hitting it up tomorrow for some burgers and maybe a post food cruise?

Its open already? If its anything like last year, it will be a mad house the first few weeks. But mmmmmmm FRIED DOUGH

i thought it opened on the 28th

Apparently its in 2 weeks, the 28th. I thought I heard Q103 saying it was open, maybe it was a spot for the season opener. Fuck, I was so looking forward to going too. I’ll just hit up Guptill’s, I know for a fact they opened today.

RTrac1 beat me to the correct date.

supposed to snow tomorrow lol

Yeah they aren’t open until the 28th…

Jacks Drive In in Wynantskill was open on the 12th, maybe thats what you heard?

That could have been the situation. It was about a week or so ago when I was channel surfing and landed on EQX or Q103. I know I heard the Jock says “Jack’s was open”. I just assumed it was Jumping’ Jacks.

Guptills Coney Express opened yesterday!!!

Yeap, it was pretty packed at various points. Wasn’t perfect weather but it wasn’t terrible enough to keep people away. Plus the rink was open too so that helped.

The place isn’t even open. Mods - get this garbage out of the Events Section.