I think everyone in there has computer science degrees. Theres only like 3 spots in there and like no turnover. prolly cause they get to play with cool shit all day long.
29:30. woulda been faster had it not been for the mobs of people in my way. when they tell u to line up and get in line relative to how fast you are gonna run it, dont overshoot. it just pisses people like me off, who are faster than you.
I did it in 29 min according to my watch. Was it 3.5 miles? My ipod said I ran 3.6, must of been all the shuffling between people and running on the sidewalk.
27:03 for me, first time there i couldn’t believe the amount of people there haha alot of walkers who “run” 8 minute miles apparently, in jeans no less, judging from the starting line :bloated:
too bad i didn’t see this thread
I would have invited you into my tent.
it was the huge one in front of the stage with a big Chase sign.
since there aren’t many Chase employees in buffalo, we had tons of catered food with no one to eat it!
it was a nice route. I’ve never done the challenge in buffalo before, but have done Central Park NYC 3 times.
Unfortunately all the roads were closed and I couldn’t get to the VIP parking lot. I finally found a spot on some side street and just made it. Of course it took me over an hour to find my car again afterward