NYIRP 8/14/09

I am pretty sure I am going to go down, try out my new suspension tricks, and do a burnout before I launch, and see if I can get booted from the track. Anyone else plan on heading down? Other than the warm weather we have been having, it looks like it’s going to be a pretty nice evening.


im heading up 2morrow night. i didnt know they had stuff tonight

yeah, i might go tomorrow

I’ll be there tomorrow running with MOMs

can i follow you with your gps? :banghead: lol

well if you want to do a long cruise before we go out, ill follow you :slight_smile: lol

Theyre open tonight?

I was off a day. I meant Friday the 14th.

I may tag along

im planning on being there
idk about bringing my car, most likely tagging along with turbociv

god damn work!

me and donovan are planning on leaving around 5 if i can get out of work
trailering his car up
your welcome to follow us out

steve i’m thinking of leaving at 4ish, you can follow me

Come on! I want to run you heads up :eekdance:

sounds good! ill venture out when terry has his rental again. i just dont have the time during the week, i would need to take a day off of work. but its good timing :slight_smile: just got my bitch back up and going again


dont be a gigantic vagine
get that bitch on a trailer and come out with me and donovan
me and donovan both are skipping work to go, you should do the same :tup:

is terry even getting the track this year?

Mark, can you stop going days where I can’t go?

Or… can you start going days I can :grouphug: