Invite night for NYI..

There should be a good turnout for this. The season is coming to an end, and this is a good opportunity to get in some runs. I will be there, so the people that wanted a race with me should come.

omg that was crazy when mike put that car on the bumper, I might be there, depends on tires for me.

Paging TurboLs1ss… Are you down for this? seems like a good chance to get in the races, I am pretty sure the snotrocket will be there as well.

ugh i so would be but ill be out of town till sunday :frowning:

hmm, ya definitely sounds like a good possibility. how many runs do you think i could expect to get in?

if the mr. classy (referring to emery) is still in to race, i need to setup my car since i only have one run on my new converter… so fri/sat should be a good time to tune…

I usually get in 5 maybe 6. It depends on how early you get there.

My cars apart right now, but hoping to go. I put a new air freshener in. So going to need to make some new shakedown passes on the new setup. :snky:

you should run against the 8 and 9 sec MOMs guys since it is an open race.

In 4 the go fast playoff’s.

Who want’s to videotape, I’d be willing to pay ur way in!

Well at work I just got a huge bid that’s due Monday morning… Im going to have a hard time making it out. MOTHER FUCKER:shoot::shoot::shoot::shoot::shoot:

ill be there.

bust ass joe, it should be me vs u in the finals shooting for 9s

I plan on going if the weather holds up

ughhhhh I want in but we are having a party at my house for me lol.

It’s ur party, u know where u want to have, lol

I worked really late last night so I can go to this. I’m done with the low boost shit, for the last race of the year im shooting for 18-20psi on 112. If it breaks, I have all winter to fix. see you guys there.

Cool. I should be goof to go assuming no other issues come up

This will be fun to watch


hmmmm… Paid way in to film … Hmmmm. Maybe

Hey Bill, Ill be over in the paved pit area…stop over and say hello and we can set it up. You know the car right?


god damn