June Beat This Caption Contest!

May flew by without even noticing and June is flying by just as quick.

Fortunately we don’t need a whole month to get the captions, they get established within the first week so lets hear them!


The instructions for the test said “Come prepared”

April Contest



Girl 1 “I got the rubber!” Girl 2 “I’m getting it up!” Girls 3&4 “Were screwing it!”


Runner up:


The #49 trucks all female pit crew strategy backfired when the first stop of the day resulted in a 36 hour tire change. Unfortunately they managed to reinstall the worn tires proving once again; women can’t change anything.


Link to the rest


How to fail your bacon to egg ratio test. At least 12 to 1… Everyone knows that.

Pretty pumped I won the april caption… been wanting that accomplishment for awhile.

Hell yeah, got to update my resume, runner up!

if i don’t have a slice of bacon every 15 minutes, i die.

I heard the criminal justice course involved a lot of bacon. So I came prepared.

EPIC MEAL TIME:The beginning

They say multi tasking is one of the many keys to success… You mad bro?

“I keep seeing these bitches wear pajamas to class, so I figured I’d make them breakfast.
… bitches LOVE breakfast”


I turned the classroom into a kitchen in hopes of luring in more females.

“HVCC Culinary School final exam in progress”


“Paul was really buttering up his professor…”

awful… just awful

Skidplate’s keys to a successful eduction: Get up late and cook breakfast at your desk then stare at the wall aimlessly.

I’mma make that bitch some bacon…bitches love bacon.



:rofl :rofl :rofl