just found this vid

here’s some more from this summer
vs k20 vs s2k: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkiIYP0Pq1c
plaf vs BIG TONNE’s GT BRAH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7roivML_O4w
plaf vs k20: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nlcg0ZYPxs
plaf vs smmmokkinnnsss DAWG dig yo (pre-stall):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLkg_dXecLY
plaf vs travis’s sti:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1ZAysMSKPI
plaf vs smmmokkinsss 40mph roll:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCZKzcWgi7w
plaf vs smoookinssss, ss had 4 ppl in it LOL:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-0qYLDQVc

haha, enjoy.

plaf vs travis’s sti:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1ZAysMSKPI


Thats right cameo fucks shit up

i love how in the travis vs plaf its another


thets the fucking excuse in every race. besides the clutch was slipping.


Nicks S2K JUST beat me. and i had a shitload of stuff in the trunk. and i was gaining ground in 3rd but dam traffic on the ext from stoooopid PR’S

Nick and someone else, vs me and mcflurry in my car.

plaf vs smoookinssss, ss had 4 ppl in it LOL:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-0qYLDQVc

haha, enjoy.[/QUOTE]

LOL i remember that race…I was in a gear too high lol

yeah mine isnt great off the role lol

i thought you saw my car at the valley one time, pretty sure atleast

damn i didnt realize how many vids you had of me

it was over the course of the whole summer, wish I knew how to make a big compliation vid

yeah, we should start doind day runs so people can actually see

im down

What color, black? All the vids are at night and I can’t see shit lol

news flash… SS vs Mclaren… barely beats the GP from a dig…

yeah black

your off your rocker…

I saw a video of your car in action. You need a miracle to run with us.

we need a video with night vision!!!

been thinking about spraying the GP… does that count?

Alls fair

does what count? you wouldnt stay with my car