just karter got hitched

no i drank way to much…oh and im out at 12 today and off tomorrow …and i just found out my boss got fired

lol you guys give him that much credit?

potential to be a legendary thread…

Of course they drive a 90’s Monte Carlo to top it all off. Classic.

el oh fucking el

what a buch of retards.I LOVE ME SOME WAFFELSSS

fucking rofl :lol:

you’re only one flapjack and a joint away from the pancake house, best not to throw stones

why would anyone drive a 90s monte carlo?
Christ that was an abortion of a car that sullied a good name.
Too much christian relegion there aswell.
You got it all wrong, If I were to get married
(which I don’t plan to the ring was to shut her up about it :slight_smile: )
It would be in a hoody and some baggy jeans, infront of a judge.
Theres no need to wear a suit to exclaim that you just threw the rest of your life away.

Not only that but I can’t stand really fat chicks, my break off weight even when drunk is 140lbs.105 - 115 is nice tho.

im not 100% sure, but i think… you just actually verified that your wedding would in fact be more trashy? amirite?


you such a redneck moron

Awesome. Well played.

some poor chicks are skinny


bible humpers, rednecks, and fatties…OH MY!

I want to say this is a repost

lolll…but be fair…you mean waffle house, PH is delicious.


i read through this… and can hoestly not deciede if this is real lol