just karter got hitched

I am no micah when it comes to photography but here is my slideshow from just karter’s wedding, let me know if you want some printzzz


a genuine southern belle…

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

its funny because everyones going to talk shit about something dealing with my gf and me now. which no one on here even knows but lets go. cant wait to see where this thread goes to

classy :tup:


in for pic… can we see just one

just one


wat? just click the link :picard:

hahahaha… love the coca cola/keystone cans tied to the bumper.

this is so trashy. lol.

classy. as. fuck.

i am speechless.

HaHa thats awesome lol

I like waffles.

i clicked the link but did not think it was him

pretty brutal.


justa4door has managed to kill high potential thread :fail:

well fuck …


^^ BAN!!!

I guess the down time yesterday scrambled your brain a little.