Just saw next weeks pinks comersial!


cool as ice,Imean quik, yo VIP kick it!

yea dont remind me of that

yea i lost my cool that night

sweeetā€¦i canā€™t wait to watch it

Can;t wait for wednesday its pittspeeds national television debut

i am nervous

hahahahahahahah come on man we talked over the phone today I thought we were cool!

yes me too but for other reasonsā€¦ :puke: and :spank:

i will be gentle

believe me its all off.

i seen it,quiks head didnt fit my 92" big screen!

ha no speed vision to view commericalā€¦it would be cool if you could get it on DVD along with the espoiside for us

Its gotta be online somewhere.

:idb: :idb: :idb:

Yeah, me 2ā€¦ im intersted to see how many times they got me on tv grabbing my ballsā€¦ not taking a shower for that day and 1/2 just killed me!!!

you wont have to worry about that ^^

cause from what i could see Cheeks was the bigest Camera whore EVAR, that ball of bouncing blubber was running around in front of the camera the ENTIRE time.

Just wait, I got 50 bucks that says at LEAST 20% of the time the show is on (outside of commercials) youā€™ll be able to see cheeks somwhere in the frameā€¦

finally saw itā€¦

did u just see it,this one was a longer version,spangs saying dont take that on sailor,wags spraying the bottle,me flopping & saying YEAAAAAAAAAAA!!!its going to be greeat!

yeah thats the one i saw

was it on speed or what?