Just saw next weeks pinks comersial!

yeah. speed

so u where watching NASCAR!!!:kekegay:

no, thank god. i flipped to the speed channel and saw NASCAR on the guide. luckily it was in commercial and it came on. i didnt have to see and nascar :whew:

any net links to the commericals?



hahahahahaha i def clicked it. :madfawk: i suck


X2 rofl

Edit: just seen a little of it on speed, seen spangs screaming “dont do that sailor!!” or something and pewter going “yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” :rofl:

Bringing this back up.

I just now found out that the Speed channel has some OnDemand Pinks episodes, and Pittspeed’s is one of them.

This might have already been brought up, but we were cracking up last night.

“You didn’t spend 30 hours in the last week building that car! We did!”

Brian - “In the last day!”


But yea, that looked like a lot of fun, if you weed through the frustration.