Just sayin hi

Do you happen to go to HVCC? Your tib is one of the few that I kinda like :lmao

lol at you making fun of rice.

LOL at the sticker club members LOL’ing at each other

Hey LKS yeah I go to Hudson Valley. I get a kick out of goin just to watch the iron that comes rollin in. Some of those cars are amazing.

oh yeah, there are some real pieces of art over there :runaway :crackup

Haha, is your name Ed by any chance? If so we work right across from each other in transmissions lab. :ohnoes

talked to you on newtiburon.com…my name is Booostin. Nice car…

when you want to run em? :banana

Yeah my name is Ed, small world LKS. Hey SSmokin I wasn’t sure if you recieved my pm or not. Love your camaro, I pretty sure I’m not on that level yet. But sometime if we run into each other, I’m always up for some fun.

yah I know im just messing around…never had a chance to runa turbo/supercharged tib with the SS…anxious to see how it would turn out :ninja

yah I got your PM also.

LOL @ all the LOLing


welcome. yank those flames and pin stripes off man. :nod

you new favorite beverage…