Just stopping in...




so apparently some of the guys here think that girl is so gross they rather let a dude suck their cock?

Ill admit she’s kinda fugly and her head looks photoshopped on in the first pic but atleast she isnt working with the same equipment Ive got.

It’s for money, dipshit. We’re not just gonna go around voluntarily blowing dudes for no damn reason.

Paul, serious question… Would you suck a dude’s dick IF he was willing to buy all parts and do all work necessary to make your Mustang run and drive?

Still seems like theyd rather have that, even for money.

And hell no, not for any amount of money, labor, etc.

You wont have to take the load either, so that spices the deal up even more for you.

I’d rather suck a dude’s dick for $500k+ than to bang that chick in the photo. I understand that your only time having sex was with a hooker, but you should still have standards.

BEAR SUIT!!! i rather like this show.

I’d rather suck a dude’s dick for 500k dollars than nail that chick, and quite a few others. I could use 500k dollars for a lot of shit. Hell, if it’s tax free, invested well, it’d be the end of my working days. FUCK IT.

No load though, fuck that shit.



Werd. The load is a game changer.

i opened this thread…then promptly closed it…big bitches and guys sucking cock…fair enough, carry on gentlemen

lol wut

hell, for a cool million…a load can be tolerable

I really don’t know if that extra half a mil would get me all of the way there… that’s some heavy shit dude.

never said i was swallowing…

Once it’s in your mouth what’s the fucking difference man? LOL.


:rofl :rofl If you’d take a facial for a million I guess you’re a better (read: gayer) man than I.

as long as my asshole stays a virgin…im forever straight!