yeah swift was alil tipsy last night :lol
what else is new lol :lol
ok, long story short, i forgot about eliots house until later that night and i told him i would go, so i figured everyone else could just go there… why would i have a party on the same night as soemone else, and trash my house, and clean up my house… when we could’ve all just chilled at his. he lives like 5 min away, close to price chopper, and he didnt mind if any of you showed up. for whatever reason joey is the only one that called me to actually do something, and i sent brian a text. no one showed up that said they would come to my house so next week or something well do somethin there, but yeah… it wasn’t a good night for me anyways since granmassa’s girlfriend got me all fumed up.
yeah but it was funny that a girl had to do all the talking and when it came down to it he was i like i ahve no problems with you… his girl just wanted to cause trouble!
that chich use to be mad cool when she cut my hair, then she got all in my face. i really am suprised he didnt say anything when i said “if you weren’t a girl i’d smack the shit out of you”
i shouldnt have said that, but then again her starting shit with a drunk kid that already doesnt like her boyfriend wasn’t too smart either
lol thats fucking awesome yeah def your house a pi meet up
yeah im fuckin waste but i can still spell!!! holy shit im drunk!
hahahahaha :lol
it was a fun night, if you guys met eliot… he doesn’t care about much, you all coulda come… we will do shit at my house, i just felt obligated. but not this weekend coming up… cobalskill FTW. basically free beer, lots of people, and always good times. you guys should all come out.
coby FTL lol no im sure it was a good time just not willing to drive out there
COBY!!! pretty much do wat you want
srsly its like a huge house where you can do whatever you want, streaking, kegs, beer pong, 105" projection screen guitar hero/rock band, suprisingly large amount of girls, pool table, quads, tons of kids with cars… its nuts
Ya get kicked out… or actaully thrown out and then walk back in :lol
no that was eliots, this is Mike Rubin’s house… i doubt he would ever throw me out, he loves me
we gotta do something at my house sometime soon… friday or saturday night, but i gotta work till 11 this friday so prolly not
next friday guy ;D let us know!
i wont be home till like 12am tonight, work 4-11 then cleaning cars… not sure if tonight is gonna work, might be too late.
just let us all know herb :lol