KA24DE Engine, Trans, ECU

Asking Price: $200
Condition: Used
Location: Brampton ON
Will Ship?: N
Contact Info: Send PM for contact details and to schedule a meet

Unknown compression KA24DE engine + trans still assembled

drove the car, set works. do not not compression.

includes complete working engine with ps pump alternator belts trans etc etc.

also includes ecu and cut harness

5 spd tranny?

km on motor???

yes 5spd

around 180 iirc

leak down?

around 180km

dont know comp or leakdown

did anyone miss the part where i said its 200$?

you can part it out and make 2x that

i just wnat it out

god son amazes me sometimes

still have this thing ? if yes PM Me

Still available… Please pm

Not available, I bought it a week ago
