Kaboom Cereal

Anyone know where i can buy a few boxes in buffalo?

That shit was awesome. Last time I had it Big Lots sold it. Thats going back a year or two though.

i never heard of that stuff, but what they should make again is cocoa frosted flakes, that shit kicked ass

kaboom gave me blue shits

Beat me to it.

i think i may have to call general mills tomorrow and buy a case if i cant find it in a store… anyone want to buy a box if thats the scenerio?


minimum of $20 on that site… was looking for something more local though cause i need it as part of a birthday gift on wednesday. Awsome site though they sell booberry there heh.

now are they fresh boxes or just stockpiled collectors edition boxes

fresh. gm still makes the stuff in limited quantities.

no freakin’ way man, i was just trying to explain what that was to my wife a few days ago. ive been craving that stuff:present:

i just bought $50 worth of cereals man i cant wait till they get here

damn that shit was awsome!!!


Saw it on display, don;t know if it’s for sale. Count chocula too…

My favorite cereal of all time! I have a feeling i’m going to spend wayyyyyyy too much on cereal now!

I just stopped in there today with the kids, and I asked about the kaboom. The owner wasn’t there, but the girl said they do stock it and it’s usually “like $3.99 a box”. She said she couldn’t find any because they were rearranging things from v-day, but said they probably do have a few boxes somewhere. Seems like they have a supplier.

The count chocula, sadly not for sale :frowning:

i was expecting a picture of billy mays pointing excitedly at some outrageous claim

Attempting to have rainbow shit again?