kickflip.... on a bike?!

Just saw this clip, its pretty sick… I guess a kickflip is the best way to describe what he does…


Edit… just watched it 2 more times, its fucking awesome.

pretty awesome

that’s epic

why does the camera keep cutting out like that? Almost makes me think it’s fake

^that was my original thought, then i just assumed i had a shitty connection so i didnt post it. lol

i keep thinkin about how many times hes smashed his face before he got it right

It’s hard for me to imagine how you could flip the bike perfectly like the. Seems like either the handle bars would spin or the bike wouldn’t quite make it all the way around. I’ll say it’s plausible before I say it’s fake.

The handlebars did spin a bit but it looks like he straightened the wheel out before reaching the ground


After all the amazing tricks I see done with skateboards, this seems plausible.

I’d like to see a pro try it in a foam pit…I’m not completely sold on it. If it is real, then HOT DAMN!

Same Video… Not as “laggy” or “fake” looking haha…

This is pretty sick as well.