kid freaks out when his mom cancels his WoW account

deffinitly not staged, people have killed themselves and their family members over games like everquest and WoW, so this isnt even that bad.

edit—> After watching all of his videos I have come to the conclusion that perhaps these videos are indeed fake. He has 5 of these so called “freak out” videos and they each pretty much end the same way with the angry brother destroying something. But i still find these videos extremely funny because if they are indeed scripted, then these two kids are very talented actors and they deserve respect.

So that parents are in on it then?

young short haired jewfro? now we know how it all started.

yes, im guessing that they are very wealthy and have enough money to encourgae ther kids acting which invoves destroying things. If they get popular enough i bet MTV gives them their own damn show.