When video games are your life.

Cliffs: Kid gets WOW account canceled by his mom and goes nuts.

Nerdy friend from the Netherlands sent this to me. Oh, and the kid tries to shove a remote up his ass for some reason. Enjoy.

holy fuck that’s nuts.

what made it even better; i had my computer on mute and forgot i signed on pandora. so when I unmuted my sound to watch the vid it was playing to the theme of miss misery (the new version) by elliott smith. fucking awesome.

what the hell is up with the remote up his ass?

and I like the “shutup” and he shuts up

My god… I love how someone yells “shutup” and he just shuts up lol.

holy fuck that’s nuts.

what made it even better; i had my computer on mute and forgot i signed on pandora. so when I unmuted my sound to watch the vid it was playing to the theme of miss misery (the new version) by elliott smith. fucking awesome.

what the hell is up with the remote up his ass?

and I like the “shutup” and he shuts up

Did anyone notice his ninja skills in getting undressed under the blanket? I was like wtf didn’t he just have clothes on???

haha kind of looks like gto kid

lol +1 to remote in the ass thing, after he did it he started making a gag noise haha. exorcist maybe?

EDIT: +1 also to the swift clothes drop under the blanket lol

omg that was so good. getting naked with the quickness!

He doesnt seem like a WOW player. His hair is cut and he looks clean. But the remote thing…

Yea so this episode just made MTV lol

I fuckin lost it at the remote part. :lol:

At what point do you think he thought it was a good idea to get sooo mad that he’d stick a remote up his ass? lol

for real…cover self with blanket for 6 seconds…bam, no shirt/no pants.

Thats impressive as hell

Ha…any coincidence that IMMEDIATELY after he comes out of the closet, he tried to put a remote up his ass? Perfect…

Haha, can we get a controller shove in the pooper .gif?

Gotta be staged…

Check out his penis at 0:57. No homo.


omg LOL that gif is great