Kinda want one of these

I like the chicks ass.

what if it bugs out and goes max current on your ass and does mach 1?


You fall off the back, thats what.

$1,499 FUCK THAT

how the fuck do you stop?

They never showed anyone stopping

I think its the same idea as a segway. Lean forward, go forward. Lean back, slow down or stop.

it’s cool but not cool enough to justify the price tag


do you have to ride around like the top half of your body is paralyzed like those people? Or can you not look like a chode and ride it?

i dont want one

seems like it’s like riding a bike with no handlebars, so i think chode-status is necessary

must look like chode

can u make it drift?

Imagine PJB making deliveries on that thing.