
Ladies and gentleman i would like to introduce you to General Tso

Please help us find a home for it. it is a very cute nice kitty that won’t leave my house. we can’t keep it as me and my daughter are extremely allergic.

Is it yours? Or a Stray?

just wondering about shots/fixed/claws.

why is there so many pets on this website lol

Does it come with recipes?

i know someone who is looking for a cat. I’ll pass this on to her and I’ll get back to you later.

she is a stray that just showed up on our doorstep and wouldn’t leave, so she has been chillin in my garage. she is the nicest sweetest cat i have ever met but the whole face swelling throat closing thing is a bit of a deterrent.

lol awesome name

How old is it?

my wife estimates 12 weeks. we started deworming her just to keep the kitten “on track”



Sending PM

pms replied to

KITTAHHHHHH pm responded. Hope he gets along with my Bengal Cat lol then I can give him a good home.


my neighbor originally said that the General was a girl so i went with it. my wife last night picks it up and goes “i thought it was a she?” i don’t go anywhere near cats but it turns out she is a he the General has a ding dong. i don’t know if that changes anything for anyone but i just wanted to clear that up.

Motion for name change to General Dong.

we found a home for General Tso !:tup:

thank you for your help everyone

edit: he went to live with a vet