KrazyKids wedding band.... BECAUSE RACE CAR


You tieing the knot this year ryan? if not rita/sketchy are next on the list

next May

Got ya beat, weā€™re getting married in October!!

Congrats KrazyKid!!!

Are you planning on a honeymoon?

gregā€™s wedding is in september.

We are going to Cancun mexico on the 21st! cant freakin wait!!!

Dude, youā€™re leaving a place thatā€™s hot as fuck at the moment, to go to a place thatā€™s hotter.

Yessss it is, and I canā€™t wait because the week after my wedding we are spending our honeymoon in Hawaii.

I usually visit Mexico in March, itā€™s going to be fuckinā€™ hotter than a bearā€™s dickhole there right now. Itā€™s awesome there though, grab a shitbox car from enterprise and visit Tulum and other good shit if you can!

Weā€™ve been looking at Punta Cana in the Domincan Republic. Think itā€™s a go.

Ahhhh congrats. Good to see nice things still happening haha.

Yeah I know it will be hot as fuck, it was all her idea. lol

Just bring sun screen, lots of sun screen LOL

Me and the fiance were going to do a cruise but we wanted to go on our honeymoon right after the wedding and September is the heart of hurricane season so we agreed on Hawaii haha.

Krazykidā€¦Congrats and welcome to married life.

Usmc your wedding is at wolfs 111 right.(inside joke)