Kung Fu Hustle DVD

I’ve really been getting into foreign films lately simply because I detest most of the garbage that is released by Hollywood nowadays. ex. I rented Longest Yard and I only watched the first 10 minutes. But thats a different story.

The other day I purchased Kung Fu Hustle based off of several recommendations. I was not disappointed.

The box describes the moive as Kill Bill meets Looney Toons. I don’t know about the Kill Bill part but the Looney Toons is definately evident. This movie mixes elements of old Warner Bros. cartoons (when cartoons were actually good), classic Kung Fu movies, comedy, and oddly Musicals to make a film that is really enjoyable, action packed and pretty funny.

The story takes place it a non descript time that appears to be 30-40’s USA but with Chinese people. The streets are ruled by the Axe Gang who through no coincidence administer punishment to their foes via axes. Two wannabe street toughs who can’t do anything right and long to become members of the gang walk into a small poor section of town call Pig Sty Alley. They think that the citizens of this sleepy Chinese village will be easy pickings for their aptempted crime escapades, however, they learn that it is populated by a few select members who happen to be masters in various martial arts disciplines. The wouldbe robbers claim to already be in the Axe Gang which touches off a war between the members of Pig Sty Alley and the Axe Gang.

This is quite a strange movie in its concept and how it was carried out. The Looney Toons aspect added into a live action film is not entirely new, but in the context of a Kung Fu film, its quite unusual. The Kung Fu moves are by no means realistic and there is lots of CGI and Wire fighting used but its is thoroughly entertaining.

Worth a rental unless you are open minded and into the whole foreign thing like me…then a its a good buy.

Rating 4.5 out of 5

I agree, it was a great movie. It took a bit to get started with the main character but after that it was sweet!!

yea at first i was thinking “wtf??” but it turned into a pretty sweet movie, i give it :tup: :tup:

go rent shaolin soccer if you liked that movie, same type of movie
i give both :tup: :tup:

See also : Shaolin Soccer

Not a bad movie also - kinda far fetched, but it is very entertaining.

Edit : fucking reddawg … :meh:


Didn’t see it, but Stephen Chow made that one as well.

I saw it at the video store and thought it looked retarded but after seeing KFH I’d be interested to see another Chow flick.


I just watched it with some friends Sunday and I have to say I think it was pretty awfull. There were a couple funny parts, but otherwise I wanted to choke myself out for continuing to watch it. This is coming from someone who generally likes this kind of movie even though the wife hates them. For instance I thought Kung Pow Enter the Fist was great…

I wouldn’t compare Kung Pow to KFH. Steve Odekerk (sp?) is a funny guy but I didn’t find much funny about that film. High Strung was better. Kung Pow was goofy humor. Really goofy. I didn’t dislike it, but I would say I thought it was funny.

Agh whatever floats your boat though right? I know what I likes on TV and so do you.

Mike, you don’t know what funny is… Get out! :wink:

Hmm sounds kinda fun, think i will have to rent it and check er out on the big screen :smiley: