Labor Day Carbeque

you have to pass a lie detector test, and we must do a thorough background check on you prior to you being allowed on the grounds.

I have a feeling this is gonna be another BULLSHIT ricer fest, with many a lawn jobs, and Seans mom burying someone in the back yard for said lawn jobs :lol

see you all there promptly at 13 o clock.

we’ve informed the fire marshall that you will be on hand. they are standing ready.

lol no subarus will be in attendance… we should be safe from any impending implosions.

Well was thinking about going… not anymore :shifty, looks like I have Monday free :lol

you already RSVP’d you prick! :wtf :eek

mkay. i can also help out with a grill cooking burgers and hot dogs and what not if you need more volunteers for that.

Oh shiz!! Sean, you gotta move this to Friday man! Fri your place, Sat Waynes, Sun BIG ass bonfire at my camp!

Ehhh to hard with classes to get every one to show

its not funny guys, its a birth defect :frowning:

I’ve been known to blow off class for drinking events.


Next person who says shenanigans is getting pistol whipped

If this is Saturday, then I’ll prob drop by for a bit

shenanigans will take place!!!



idk where u live, but im down after I get outa work if its still goin on then
