Laduke vs Articat

Good thing all his shit talk got quoted before he deleted it :lol

Haha, I can use my own personal judgement to come up with what the OP had in those posts. :rofl

arcticcat93 and vwkawavw are 2 of the biggest herbs on here. both run their mouthes then edit it out.

if you cant say it in real life, dont put it here in the first place because, theres not “editting” what you say in person after you said it.

and im gonna guess 93 is the year you were born?? so 16 and thuggish… waittttt for it.


I’m not going to get butthurt b/c its just a car forum (relax pal) but I bet a shiny nickel you won’t say that to my face.

i’ll betcha 1,000,000 shiny nickels he will.

bring your piggy bank son.

I’ll say anything I damn well please to anybody. I’m not an asshole or anything, but when the moment arises… :lol

Worst case is somebody punches you in the mouth, which in that case you get to kick their ass in regards to self defense and file charges of assault. win-win.


thats all i’m hearing!!!

:rofl NICE!

Chris - My daughter just saw your sig, and said “I have that book!” :lol

You know… I never hardly come onto this site because there is so much clown-ery that it makes my brain hurt to even ATTEMPT to read it. Well, out of now where I logged in the other day, saw some nice conversations about F1 racing and some people who were actually into driving cars AND someone wanted to buy a set of wheels I owned and wanted to off load. I was pretty pumped. 2 hours later, we’re back to the same bullshit.

It’s just like they say; The few ruin it for the many.

Try to grow up kids.

It’s all the douchepurses with the turbo Hondas causing the trouble on here.

did i miss suttin ,i saw mention of hand throwin .if so im all in esp on bretts side

oh and for the herbs on here run the mouth in person dont be scared

duke la duke… playin some hardball

Yea ***** !