Laduke vs Articat



Oh shit !
No need for the tude. Just trying to help you find them …

Rims are Rims …

please see… play pussy get fucked big fondaaaa



ohhh yeahhhh

Guess you could say that ?

… do you know me? like actually have met me?


Oh … So you dont actually know me. Thought so.

Goes back to the classic saying …
"Cant Judge a book by its cover "

How old are you guys??



If you have a problem with me you can call me or you can pm me and talk about it.I dont know who you are.I was just trying to help find you some wheels.I had no attitude with you, and obviously you do have a problem with me. And … What skanks are you talking about ?..

i chase around skanks too… so what ? :eek

this topic is way off…topic

Whats chasing skanks have to do with buying something from him?
Unless he got a girl that you wanted… :lol

ahhh, maybe thats the case ! sucks ! happened to me once before…almost

so wait laduke sells skanks?

all right guys eneough

wow the op went through and deleted all his tough talk. wtf thats no fun