Late night Crew.


Pants on the ground.


checking in, made it home VERY lucky :lol

lol wow how did that happen lmao

Did anyone go out tonight?? I heard there were supposed to be DWI checks all over the place.

i had a few ppl over for super bowl but didn not go anywhere lol

i got pulled over twice on the way home, good thing i didnt drink anymore than i did :lol the night before i got yanked and got REAL lucky hahaha

you got pulled over 2 times last night?

Replacement headlights are 15 bucks!! GET ONE YOU CHEAPASS :lol

i have a few extra, it just went out sat night when i was jumping the car :lol

yup! lol

LMAO … for what?

Its not late yet. Thanks.

but conversation relates to late night activities :slight_smile:

Ahhh, carry on then. See you later then, say ~1? :lol

was told it was a random dwi stop, and i had a headlight out

LMAO!! I heard there were a few of those set up all over…

ow about another party Sat night…? lol :slight_smile:

:thumbup if i get a dwi coming home ill be pissed :rofl

Ah another long night caused by excessive procrastination. :banghead

Meh. Procrastination is normal. Some of us just do it better.