Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy thanksgiving to you sir.
I honestly wish sushi was for thanksgiving instead of turkey. Shit is over rated.
I don’t know, Turkey goes great with a good beer. And then there’s the stuffing, potatoes, gravy…
Wow. A sudden wave of hunger just came over me, crippling my appetite to the point where I feel like I’m some little black boy on a Christian Childrens Fund commercial.
I don’t drink beer.
Sushi man. I’m telling you.
Im drinking Red Strike (Red Bull knockoff) and vodka, destroying my friends on Blur. More GT5 later maybe lol
4 hrs of GT5 with kramer and caz
I’m going to bed. Happy gobble day bitches
Still playing gt5
same here…rofl:rofl
I just hit level 12. The FT86 is an excellent rally car.
I need a ps3 and gt5. Someone fix my xbox and its red ring Bs.
because because dont worry thats what passion does
Level 16 in GT5.
Now I’m going to sleep.
I cant wait to wake up at 4pm to start boozing for my birthday and then do copious amounts of drugs starting at 930. :excited
crazy bastard
*Im aware its not late yet.
Who iswatching SNL? They hae Brian Cranston, the dad from Malcolm in the middle, and from breaking bad.
watching last week’s walking dead and going to bed. being sick ftl
Lol if you really wake up at 4 to start drinking you will honestly pass out by 5
channel surfing cause I’m tired of MW2 and still can’t sleep
Reveling in how fast my semester has gone by and how much I have accomplished for myself in only 13 weeks. Now to pass my only remaining test that I have 3 and a half weeks to study for.