Late night Crew.


Travis is king of this page.

6 pages left to write. Fuck. Anyone else procrastinate on shit they know they should have done a month ago?

Months, years, whatever

I handed in my research paper today that was due on October 29th.

Well done. I’ll be handing in every lab of the semester in the next week lol. Changing majors and not giving a fuck, ftw.

going to hudson valley = automatically not giving a fuck to begin with.

whattup crew

i slept from 1AM to 2:30PM and have a final tomorrow so needless to say i’ll be up for a while and will be checking in from time to time :lol

finals already?

i slept late too, hence why im still awake.

I was up at 6:30. fml.

Finals already is wierd indeed. Final projects are all due this week though, which is gay as fuck. Too much shit coming down to too little time.

last day of hvcc isnt until dec 17th.


im in this new business core thing with 60 kids and they tried to spread out the finals/projects/presentations, 8 classes an 18 credits

Hey guys. Im in Kingston. I finally found a “Soundwave” Transformer, so Im pretty happy about that lol

Kingston is shitty.

The 17th as the last day for classes sucks. I hate having finals right before christmas and shit.

Fuck the last two pages of this garbage. Good luck guys. lol.

listened to 4x4=12, Animal Rights is the only song that stood out on first listen…

also happy 1 year anniversary of this thread!!! :rofl

fuck you bitches

agreed, and I’m included

checking in for another night…woot!

yeh i just fucked a mistake

epic, wrapped or rizz-dizz?