Late night Crew.

Fwapin’ in the back room at work…

Just woke up. It’s Captain time.

Now I gotta go wash my hands


'ello 'ello

mmmmm japplets r fun

still up


I just went from sheer, utter, complete relaxation to a fight-or-flight adrenaline dump. The human body is absolutely astounding. So, I was leaving my sortagf’s apartment at like 2:40, which is on North Allen street in albany. Not the nicest area but whatever. I wake her up to let me out since she has to work tomorrow and is just using me as a pillow, so she has to let me out. Upon stepping onto the porch, I hear rustling but don’t see anything. Then, out of nowhere, there are about 6 pitbulls. Big, muscly, angry, snarling pitbulls. I yell at her to shut the fucking door and start booking it the half block to my car. The whole time I’m yelling at the dogs. I have never, ever moved so fast in my life. They’d close in on me and back off as I yelled. 3000 scenarios are going through my head. I saw myself getting mauled, or getting to my car but being unable to shut the door due to a fucking pile of pitbulls, or getting to my car fine. Thankfully I got into my car fine. She texted me like “wtf was that???” I’m like “nothing just go to bed.” I call APD’s non-911 line and told them, they said animal control would check it out but can’t really promise anything.

What the FUCK man?! That was easily the scariest moment in the last 6 months. I’m astounded by the body’s ability to go from 0-10000000000 in .0000001 seconds. Good lord that was fucking terrifying. I need a drink.

Somewhere, some ni99as be missin dey pitdawgs.

holy shit, its TWO Raph’s right there!

Six dogs? Are you sure you weren’t in my living room? :lol

Well its not that late, just got done playing my CS. Now Im going to go crash in my warm bed with my lady. Winning

business law was a tough class… but its really good knowledge even for people not going into business.

Im slugggggging on hw right now.

Another night…Woot…

mad guests lurkin right now

i love the class, studying for the midterm was a bitch though

My sleep patterns are realllllllly bad right now, dunno how I fell into this shit.

Haha if your living room is the first block of North Allen coming from Central, then yeah, I was! Btw I drank all the beer.


I literally have 6 dogs, only 2 are bully breeds though. Best dogs ever when raised with love… fuckin’ nigro fucks make them mean :frowning: I rescued one of my dachshunds from a black/pakistani/white mixed family (I call them blackistani) and he is by far the meanest dog I have.