Late night Crew.


What’s up fellers.

time to write a couple pages on some BULLSHIT latin american film

Oh man… this is bad, I cannot sleep

Oh wow


Late night talk seems to be quite intelligent :lol

Just watched the royal wedding on yahoo!

at 3am is the perfect time to start that especially while browsing shift

Finished it, haven’t slept in 36 hours, still browsing shift :rofl

Redevil is up @ 2am as usual :lol

Starting my 7 page paper, its due today.


Yeah, I am. Its what I do. :ninja

Been there done that, usually didn’t finish :rofl

You rebel.

So who likes the new smileys?


So my daughter will be six in June, I already got her a Spongebob Mp3 player dealio… I am strongly thinking about getting her the Crocodile Dentist Russian Roulette game lol

Get her a webcam and onto chat roulette instead

She will learn all lessons of life in about a 24 hour period.

Yeah or not. I know what happens there. I dont really even like when she sees me playing CounterStrike or Street Fighter… I will admit, I have let her play SF tho lol

She’s gonna learn sooner or later

You got discovery channel dont ya? :rofl

smh… vlad your dopin it up right now

I dont have cable. They jacked the price after twelve months, so I was out lol We only do PBS in the afternoons, other than that, I have movies on a drive for her. Like Toy Story 1-3, Despicable Me, How to tame your Dragon, just stuff like that mostly. I do know that her mother lets her watch Family Guy, which I am not a fan of… but she also doesnt understand half the jokes in that show anyways. Not that I do either at times, I prefer South Park. :cone

I finished. Its a pile of bullshit, but I finished :lol