Late night Crew.

prolly not for awhile, truck is broke and cant afford to fix it

FERP. Well Im going to go lay in bed, the lady has to get up in like an hour lol

you go to a fucking automotive technician institute.

Whats the truck need?

I took down the pool I was telling you about, just need to install it again (27’ round pool, just needs a liner)

what size wall? ill get a quote on a liner this week… i cant afford to fix the truck is the problem, not the knowledge

Edit: it needs a serp. belt $(45) and head gasket ($50ish) they butt fuck us at the local advance
ill more than likely chance it and drive it home after i change the belt and hopefully leave it there

is that the prices with a commercial discount?

I just measured the metal surround, it measures out to like 51 1/2?

thats with my “wyotech” discount… iight so its a 52" high wall

disregard text message i just send before this poped up

lol ok

another night

'ello peeps

Hi Singh.

Some epic debates huh? :lol

ya, im just on my edges tonight

Why what’s up

no nothing out of the usual, just surprised there is even debates on common sense shit

Going to walk the dog then crash. Doctors appointment tomorrow afternoon :expressionless:

checking in

wide awake, drank 5 energy drinks while writing my 2 final papers…don’t think i’m sleeping before i hand them in…lets hope the second one makes sense lol.

^ :lol

What up fellas.

Checking in cerca de 4 o cock.