Late night Crew.

Watching the Food Network, Fuckin starving!!!

Really gotta stop doing this

About to go take a shit then eat.

TPB Season II

Mmm. Eating lunch :slight_smile:

Watching that on Netflix since I got tired of GT5 lol

this shit really fucking pisses me off… i come home super tired, i go to bed at 10pm, and now i cant fall asleep. WTF

Sucks when family you count on is shitty about you wanting to move home…

why can i never fall asleep before 3-4am lol…

ur wanting to move back home? ive never left home…

Tennessee is alright I guess, just not what I was looking for. I miss everyone back in NY, I miss a lot of things. Happiest I’ve ever been was working on the farm my stepfather owns all summer, so why am I down here miserable as fuck trying to do something else? I’d rather just go back and do what makes me happy. The money is fair, so fuck it, there’s nothing for me here.

thats how a feel about ny nothing here for me, well nothing in johnstown anyways lol, i miss FL lol, but yea they are giving you a hard time about coming back? that stinks man… good luck and i hope that soon you can get back here! i know how it feels to hate were you are at!, i hate were i am right now, everyday is FU*KING misserable and im trying to pull myself out of this slump and get ahead in life lol

I <3 upsate personally.

Wouldn’t mind having a an acre or two in Arizona to escape to in the winter but otherwise this area suits me fine.

However, home for me is Moscow and I do miss that a bit.


yea upstate,ny i love! ans johnstown aint bad! but i guess the fact im having a hard time making friends and meeting people, all i do is work and computer any more lol mon-fri consist of wake up at noon get ready for work, work 2-10, get home 10:05, play games and play online till 4am… and no matter how hard i try to get nice things for myself my plans turn to shit lol, NY aint my problem, life is haha



I feel you dude. All I do is work, it’s shit. I hate that aspect of this place. My family at home is being cool but my sister who lives here is being a bit of a dick about it. Whatever. Fuck it, making me happy.

Don’t worry we can have a late diner get together like we did last year and make you feel welcome again.

true that man gotta do what makes you happy, cant always please everyone else lol


:rofl bowling