latest fashion shots, now with nyspeed members!

for the record… i have the pic of nyspeeds “elitest” model… ill host it later…

bump. post it up :stuck_out_tongue: this thread made me lol last night

stop it. you have a bf. dont make him wonder why you’re already wet before you get into bed.

wow i just spent more time than i should have sounding out “eee see lips bee ell yer” - e c LIPS b l ur, hate you g-jeff

he changes that shit on a daily basis… its annoyingggggg

mr cuv… you sweating yet?

cuv, i think i saw you walking towards the commons at UB today, im watching you


“cuv” is starting to sound funny to me now


hate you g-jeff


:gay3: changing the spacing is the least i can do to disguise the gayest screen name ever.


mr cuv… you sweating yet?


I sure am. oh the suspense.


thks fr th pctrs


thx fr th ftbl trs

I came in for hot newdz… I leave disappointed :frowning:


“cuv” is starting to sound funny to me now


pronouneced (kooo-v) despite popular belief…it is NOT (kuh-v) -but say it all you want my man.


cuv, i think i saw you walking towards the commons at UB today, im watching you


and i hear of cuv sightings at UB all the time - part of being a local celebrity…say something and ill watch you back :wink:




thx fr th ftbl trs
