Some Kcuv photos of my bike + other stuff...

some of this shit is pretty faggy and EMO. (there are even lamer/worse ones…)

(It’s my dad’s helmet. The bible verse is something about 666)

lol, Newman, Christian Newman.

fucking :rofl: those riding glasses…

central terminal. always a good picture place.
and that doesn’t even look like you on the bike while riding it

They’re my welding glasses for work!

That’s because no one knows how BADASSSSSS CTNEWMAN IS!

There are some other ones we took inside, but they are pretty :gay2:.

looks like your posing for a prom pic

i do like the shoes too

did you chop the plate out of the one pic?

lol that bike is titts tho. pictures look :tup: as well

sleeves on the jacket need to be taken in a half an inch…

it’s a good will suit. I split the pants because i am a fats, so that’s why i am wearing girl-cut dickies. LOL.

kyle did.

i WISH i was going to prom w/ some tasty HS baby.

They came out good, and worth the freezing cold ride around Buffalo, lol :tup:

Are you a man model in training?

no. too ugly & fat.

:violin2: You some sorta gay?

This one is really James Bond-y

Took that one @ a little hole in the wall in south buffalo.

Wheres your gun, didn’t you have one for those g unit pics

Fucking :tup:

Last summer i was whipped around on the 636 in a full suit for a couple hours, i wish i had pictures of it. Maybe ill do it again this summer…

This summer is going to be themed “rediculous attire while on two wheels”

I will totally wear a sparkling street dancer outfit on a moped.

lol, they look like motion shots from a james bond spoof. love the bike though.

Here’s the whole burnout series: