Leakdown tester...


Beat you to it brew

was just there today. They have 1 on the shelf.

So hows the motor? Sounded great, but i heard otherwise at the lot :frowning:

It’s now a 3 cyl econo car :lol

out of stock. Sonofabitch.

borrow one

Last time I drive out to East begeezus to help you

Hey, you like it out here.

The wannabango was pretty gnarly

stop whining. I live in north begeezus and I’m always on the other side of the river… :lol

did they have any bikerian gfs there? im looking for the V4.0

Dude, we are doing work in that this year. Should take it to e-town!!

Hell yea. Tow the car down and have a party bus