lets see your shift knobs

***** u look thirty !


my new jam

I don’t think this was a “let’s lie about our shift knobs” thread.:gtfo

Why don’t you come over for some popsicles:rofl:rofl

I have that picture on my computer though. How am I lying? :up

hands down the best shifter I think I’ve ever seen, that’s fucking awesome!

Getchyo fatass back here.

***** one of my I.D.'s says 22.

It also says I am Brian Wainwright :rofl

impresonation is a felony.

Yeah thats why I just lied :rofl

I’ve reported your prior post to the police.

You’re pretty much fucked

quoted for future prosecution

Finally a law biding citizen


Im rocking the block 440gram in gunmetal with an authentic CTR shift boot. It feels great and looks clean. ill post up pics when i find my damn usb cable.




now (stock):


soon (stock):


jeep compass ftmfw

same difference

Dude the jeep compass sucks. Its not even trail rated. :frowning: