lets see your shift knobs

Nismo knob


lets see you interior?

sumnabitch you prob dont even own a camera

really you wana see me interior? really? say please!

haha aright i dont know if you got my pm but enough with the douschness is what it said

OEM '99 JDM knob


LOL nice


yea snitchteg has alot of guages in his car fuh sho

I like the deck, and your handbrake… LOL !

personally I like the ipod

lol thanks


that would not surprise me in the least bit :rofl

bangs 6 gears quick!!

Bangs CP quicker :shifty

arent you 17? if so you cant discuss CP as youre still a minor

you ARE CP for old men!! :rofl

hahaa yea caz is CP himself lOl

Here’s mine :ninja

I’m 18 :rofl :rofl :rofl

herbert the pervert for love him


Now youre really starting to piss me off you piggly son bitch!
