LG this Sat (8/20)?

we enjoy hotshots because we have yet to run into a person we know or grew up with. When you go out in LG or toga its a fucking high school Reunion and I hated my high school class.

I might be interested in coming out saturday… depends on my working situation.

QFT. So is Sandy’s… and the rest of Glens Falls.

I never have that problem in Lake George, but seriously that’s 100% truth for me in Saratoga. If you visit the Bullpen you can see at least 90% of my graduating class on a nightly basis.

May be up in Lake George clowning people on the tube this week end

Bars? Yes.

You’ve never been to a bar


sounds good. I will fill my bottle.

Maybe. Depends on if I can get the rear end fixed on my truck or if it blows up.

In for this one, one of you can use my gopro

no need. I will just charge my camera and have my women video tape everything but the actual race like she usually does LOL

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl jdaniels will understand why im laughing


fill me in nowwww

will be there if i can ride with JDaniels…


Any of you guys gonna meet somewhere and cruise up?

Ha, thats funny, i try to get to where ever they’re playing, they rock!


Might bring the unicorn G6, looking for 100mph players…